There it was again, the snow, even if he did it only 2 cm. Anyway, I had to get out at 6.00 clock and start the winter. "God be thanked, helped with Benny, and I could then in time it take to work. He could also take the train, which had not haunted us today, because of the train drivers' strike.
home I was rewarded the first time with a good breakfast. With delicious coffee and rolls I scoured the local press. I always do and I love it. I gasped: million fraud with HIV drugs, read here: http://www.ndr.de/regional/schleswig-holstein/hivmedikamente101.html . I'm stunned - this greed of some people, no matter in what area - always, it's all about profit! Ugh! Without regard to loss provisions and laws are ignored bold, it is accepted that cold chain is interrupted, which turns drugs into time bombs. The patient has no idea and is spent. For me, the cold-blooded criminal charge, the helpless and vulnerable people trample. Worst meet the poorest of the poor people in Africa. I run to you tears when thinking about how they are put to death. I believe that the perpetrators must be justified for one day, own the latest on his death bed.
Luckily I have in years, "my" pharmacist, I can absolutely trust in all areas. I asked him this and I may quote: ... to most drugs called re-imports in the trade. Prezista at 400 it is next to the original plus 12 other providers of about 846 € to 854 €. The packaging may look quite different, blisters can be cut etc. The property also comes uncertainty it in the Apo-day when the re-imports carry other name ...
... from the pharmacies are found almost no fakes. For the Internet providers, however, it looks different. Because fakes are now depending on the active ingredient from a double-digit% range. (Cialis / Viagra ... if we have (n) happiness, at least not only active ingredient is in it) ...
It is hard, just to switch back, but life is also good. Well, as the Bayern won 1-0 in Milan. AND! I'm in the second leg in München. May it be a mega party.
Afterwards I will be visiting an infected out of the circle. We natter a bit and maybe I manage to make her a little courage. The weekend may mutate and our home for the football stronghold. I fervently hope that my Bayern beat Borussia, that would be a satisfaction first cream for me.
Courage is like an umbrella. If you need it most, it is missing one. Wish you a carefree day Uwe .
(C) UG-G http://www.uwegoerke-gott.de
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