Bibber weather outside, - 7 ° C. At least below zero wind chill - Wind chill is the most today. rewarded us the day with sun and blue sky, Oh, that's good. About time they send a high-times "gay" to make it "warmer" is.
So, the cold can also be stressful, I notice that when I out there will do the caretaker job. I'm much quicker to my limits, not least because the hazel (for whatever reason) flowers in this cold. I am simply tired.
My night was modest with pain predominantly on the right side of the body, weird. But I was distracted thanks to the Internet and held it out without pain drop. Not quite in the grip I get my PC is currently the recently aufmuckt. I think the fans are on his mind soon, because now and then is "No active video input signal standby position" is displayed. Have the PC first extracted and let rest for 2 hours, what he was doing all right. * Lol
Now I'm back here, write diary and answer, of course, hard-working your mails. And to those I've offered to make phone calls with me, may dare to calm. The courage you have, but have already, but I do not bite!
What is planned? Well, on Sunday we are in Fröndenberg. Satchmo Cafe in the old railway station at 16.00 clock by a private viewing with music. Open end. Elisa Pitney to: Judith Michael, the artist will be present, Simon Pitney can make good music that gets under the skin, the mayor says, in a café Satchmo's delicious waffles, a glass of wine or a beer, and one can also experience shows that you meet with us many friendly and open-minded people! Nee is clear?
And Benny would like me to the movies: The big dream - with Daniel Brühl ... so dat life has to be * happy
Some asked me how I feel about the plagiarism accusations against "Dr" Guttenberg. Bring it sometimes to the point! I'm just annoyed about the hounding of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. 'm Annoyed about the way in which journalists and the media about it (be) addressed. The main thing it is cut to the chair and man will fall. All over the world people are fighting for their freedom, even die for it. Hundreds die in earthquake. And we Germans staged an embarrassing media circus where one could throw up just yet. End of story.
We believe, gain experience, but the experiences we make. Good day all Uwe
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