"Real Life" 25 Years of AIDS assistance in the Unna district. Manuel Izdebski, of the Aids Unna had invited and all came. Still on the way out we saw terrible scenes. We had just ascended to the A1, when immediately jammed the traffic around us. Immediately before that, a dramatic accident had occurred. After a collision is one of the vehicles rolled over several times, five people were injured, four seriously. We gasped as we drove past the wreckage. We were stunned.
The festival began with great solemnity in the Church of Unna. The service was brilliant thanks to the Rev. Joerg Uwe Pehle, a good start for the 25th anniversary. Very impressive, I found the texts read by three different people, from the middle of life - a voice from Hamburg, a poem by Hildegard and Rose Ausländer. The moving words were accompanied by organ and flute. The highlight was when a candle with the symbol of solidarity, the Red Ribbon was lit, and we remembered the dead.
The reception was held afterwards in the gable room of the Martin-Luther-house. Politicians and high-ranking guests from the AIDS support in the country had their say. But first joined dat Ueffcken quickly to and sought a dialogue. All the speakers, Michael Makiolla - District Administrator of Unna, Dirk Meyer - the country director of the AIDS Help NRW, Winfried Holz - German AIDS Help, spoke in the main and voluntary learning their thanks for a great job and gave back a review of the past 25 years. Daniel Bahr, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Health went into detail about the success model of HIV prevention in Germany, and the central role of the AIDS support; citizenship and self-help, ... and you let the flowers all parties - federal, state and local authorities - would have in the years to do more within their means ... the tone was positive and did not sound like a subliminal announced withdrawal of the federal government. Above all, it was about the work of the AIDS Awareness, the more it delighted me as the work of Manuel Kay Bohlen (Private activist) and I have mentioned. I'm honest, it did me good. Musically, the speakers were supported by the vocals of singer Susan Hoff and the pianist Meike Becker. The approximately 60 guests thanked him with strong applause.
After Buffett gave it stimulating discussions which I extended, especially with Dirk Meyer. We both had years ago started the football action from your heart's content, as children from Schwerte jerseys "positive encounter with HIV" and wore the Red Ribbon. At that time unique in Germany. Dirk leaves in April after 20 years the AIDS Awareness NRW and moves to the AIDS Unit of the BZgA. I wish him good luck. But even to speak to Oliver Kaczmarek (SPD) and Daniel Bahr I found opportunity. Nice for me that District Makiolla a book of mine bought it and quietly said, "Mr. Goerke-God, I always read their news ..." and Manuel interjected: "Not only you, Makiolla nationwide Görksche which is active in the network ..."
Well, the proceeds of the book is the AIDS Awareness Unna good, just like the check for 250 euros, which I could hand over the Rohrmeisterei. I thank you with all my heart for this fine day, it was a great occasion with you. I agree with him and say a warm good luck! Uwe.
(C) http://www.uwegoerke-gott.de
images here.
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