Wooochenendee! It should be mild but with lots of rain, for Ueffcken no problem because he is on a reading tour of the Cafe Fröndenberg Satchmo, beautifully situated in the old station. And when I read Nicole Langschede in front of family and friends from my book, which is great fun. Is sometimes quite different, a private reading. Last night I was
a guest in the training workshop of the AIDS. For me it was the purest of Marathon, from about three hours. But very interesting the topic: People and the encounter with HIV. I could tell from my life, about "Tim" and what we have gone through for both highs and lows. The tears flowed not only with me, because I had great, attentive listener, although they certainly had a stressful working day. Other participants presented their projects. The pill unreal game involved the question of what if only a single pill available nationwide, who should / / probably should get it? Including the doctor, the baby or the woman, the prostitute or the manager? I myself, do not know how the individual person decides in such a depressing situation. There was a very lively discussion and you might still have hours to continue. Thanks to the help dieAids Hagen, interesting for an evening.
Mark, my Internet acquaintance, has announced its arrival. He wants us to Bayern ticket - to give Inter Milan. Benny has now taken time off spontaneously (reduction of overtime). So we can enjoy our anticipation about it together.
Watch out for the little one in the world that makes life richer and happier.
wishes you all a sweet and brisk weekend. Greeting Ueffcken. Images here .
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