A weekend with a lot of wind and rain ahead of us. Everything is gray here in gray sword. Dat makes the Ueffcken today but nothing but time, because my life is colorful . So I was invited today to "Lodda" to the big breakfast and we had great conversations. Others on the 25th anniversary of the AIDS Help in Unna, what we celebrate on Sunday. Ueffcken and his team (Tine and Andreas) are on location. * Happy
Yes, "us" Lothar Bal (t) rusch surprised me with interesting details of his life. He introduced me to the myth of the heroes of his past. I could see a documentary where Lothar show with three friends, the lives of their heroes: Elvis Presley , Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra . On their travels they met bodyguards, friends and family members, and they report with sparkling eyes and moving images as they have become real fans.
Wow, I'm always taken much of the last hours and begin to dream. I imagine how I pilgrimage in the footsteps of ABBA to Sweden. This dream has been denied me to this day. Even as ABBA at that time occurred in 1978 in Dortmund, I could not afford as a foster child to enter, at just 50 cents a week pocket money. Later something always came up. But who knows, might perhaps in the summer of 2011 for Benny and me go the dream come true. To my great Luckily, I Original autographs, who gave me Lothar. I understand his cult of Elvis too well, because Elvis accompanied him since he was 11 Of age. And his apartment itself brings me old bag still enthusiastic when I look at the many souvenir. I'm not a fan of Elvis, but he is not forgotten and many of his songs give me goose bumps.
Lothar, I can only say thank you for the very personal insight into your life. I am very happy to know you and look forward to more hours in which we forge our two crazy joint plans and perform. I'm convinced.
From the breakfast was almost a day, you round off with dog Lady on a long walk along the Ruhr. We met people we knew and friendly greeting. We are sword and that's good! Wish you all a nice weekend, Uwe .
(c) http://www.uwegoerke-gott.de
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