Well, who's said then. At 5.00 clock the night was over, so I promptly at 6.00 clock was out to clean the sidewalks of snow and spread. On the night until the early morning hours of traffic in all of NRW has broken down, especially the Münsterland is affected. Snow and black ice attracted more than 500 accidents. The damage is estimated to be at least 2 million euros. Is already the hammer, what the winter 2010/11 brought us so. And I speak not yet of the costs to us will taste the nasty potholes still Nee is clear? Well, the year is still long and there are city and train to do something. The safety of citizens should be prioritized. They have enough money, yes, but we pay people for that! Let's wait for the next Days from, it will be mild, so keene excuses. Often one reads in the newspaper "... we are sword." And Benny and I are really solid and from conviction. We would never turn its back on our city because we would rather grumble a little rum (rightly * fg) and trying here in his own front door to get things moving. And criticism is always like a suggestion to live better together.
Not in this context, but the theme: live better together, I remember a club on from Schwerte, who has grief counseling for children and young people the task of the association lighthouse. http://www.leuchtturm-schwerte.de. These pages I want you as Link de lay day to my heart. I think a very valuable thing you should support in any case. I myself will, after a meeting of stakeholders sword, which met to live. I give her the donation from the Women's Workshop. Ergste the women it is very important that the recipient can go out again, for example, eating is nice. Benny and I am expanding the amount to something, so that it can take someone. For this I use the income from my Rainbow Shop http://19427.spreadshirt.de that you might be interested (eg rose cup with red ribbon). The commission of these sales will be for one year long and then collected for the needy in the district of Unna (HIV / AIDS) distributed and assign directly. These parties may go like this sometimes go to the movies, go swimming or concerts or just stop eating. Small bright spots that you can not allow otherwise.
Humor is not a gift of the Spirit, he is a gift from the heart. Gruss Uwe
Here's a tip for Sunday:
the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the AIDS in the district of Unna, a ceremony will take place.
02/06/2011 11.00 clock service in the town church Unna
12.00 clock reception in the gable room of the Martin-Luther-house (next to the church)
Greetings: Michael Makiolla (District Administrator of Unna)
Dirk Meyer-ahnrw, managing director AIDS NRW help
Winfried Holz, Federal Board of the German AIDS-Help
Daniel Bahr, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Health Minister
(C) http://www.uwegoerke -gott.de
private AIDS activist Uwe Goerke-God
HIV / AIDS group
http:// www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=133802090802&ref=ts
Uwe Goerke-God
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