Geiles weather, so beautiful that Ueffcken spent half the day in the fresh air. And it felt so good! The settlement shines, as it should be for the good caretaker Goerke-God. Am in addition to date and know all the housewife stories. Have the ladies informed of what's new in the gay world. Most already know, only the queens from the TV. It is also thick, bearige guys as Ueffcken is, I had to explain to them the first time in more detail. Similarly, in our relationship that neither the "female role" takes over, or at Bernadette (Benny =)?
Tonight, DFB Pokal - Bayern against S04. I hope so much that we take the Bavaria to Berlin for the final. BVB my husband and his friends are now on my side, and that's a good thing.
In this sense, a good day to you all. Not separate yourself from your illusions. When they are gone, you will continue to exist, but have ceased to live. Ueffcken!
Do not go to me - maybe I do not follow you do not go after me - maybe I do not just go up next to me - and be my friend FCB!
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