Alaaf and Helau! Wonderful weather, blue skies, happily for all the revelers at Mardi Gras Indian. Girls wish you a great time and stay safe always beautiful. The guys I recommend to always find the right toilet, eh. Helmut and especially from the district of Unna, I wish all the best. In Unna ends today a tradition - the 55th and last time draw Helmut Scherer is with its smallest Karnevalzug by Unna. The train will start around 08.30 clock on St. Catherine's Hospital and then goes through the city. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQpHUWnct4Y&feature=related
Honestly, I have to say now, even if it is hard. The DFB Cup gone. In fact, this is not the year of the FCB. As a real fan I stand behind my team. I'm looking forward to 15.03. I live here in the Allianz Arena and hope they win the UEFA Champions League, and there are at least the final. On Saturday, the FCB in Hannover make a lot of good for the fans and we are so the second Place in the Championship and also reached in 2012 are represented internationally. One more thing in the end, before I go out, happy people meet and enjoy the nature: Do not try to make someone as you are yourself. You should know that one of your kind is enough. And who does not like I say, let him continue but click and other bored, nee is clear? Uwe .
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