Monday, January 17, 2011

Brent Everett Vs Brent Corrigan

Distressing cough

In kindergarten you put in ever at more often,
fly bacteria dieLuft through
and is clearly not enough.


Solid as cough can sometimes be quite tantalizing,

with symptoms of persistent cough and shortness of breath and Vomiting.


Why should we not try the old home remedies of the past?


to release of fixed mucus of the bronchi and against cough

helps to:

narrow wedge

given lard heated until it liquid is about 2-4 tbs

with about 1 teaspoon Transpulmin or other cold balm



towel 1 x folded lengthwise

to 1 X linen

to cotton or wool

and on the liquid wax dripping


so warm it is to put the whole thing on his chest,

finally fix the towel on his back, as

with a permanent binding leave

for a few hours overnight, etc.


there is consequently very good experience!

Why should not we go hand as an alternative?


I wish all children cough well soon!


J. teething


I would be happy we could be on This blog collect other experiences,

writes so quiet that you will have made good experience.



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